Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pink Walkathon

Every year Burjuman Mall holds its pink walkathon in support of the Breast Cancer Awareness during the month of October.  Since 2007, i would register in this activity but joined the actual walk only 4 times (including this year which was today, Nov. 2, 2012).  Not that i don't like to walk 2 kms. but because i miserably failed to wake up early.  Walk starts at 8:30 am so i had to be out of the house by 7 am which means waking up at 6 am. 

Friday being my only day off is the day that i want to wake up at my own time.  But friendships PO, AO and MA are coming so i decided to put my heart into becoming an early riser.  Friendship JG called me the night before enticing me to participate, but we never got to see each other as there were throngs of people.  We didn't even get to see friendship PO during the opening ceremony and the walk. 

This year the walkathon was held at Zabeel Park which is close to my flat.  The music woke me up so there's really no reason not to go.

I decided to slather my face with the Bioderma spf 100 sunblock instead of Kiehl's spf 50 and 25 even if my moisturizer already has spf 20. Sun protection to the!
my walkathon outfit (don't mind the double chin)
performers to entertain the arriving participants
the balloon arch
releasing the balloons
free at last...signals the start of the walk
saw her and decided to have my face painted
with this....the breast cancer logo....on my right cheek (good thing my pores are sleeping)
abundance of bottled water - water stations spread all over the area and distributed by volunteers
i sweated after the walk.  i don't know if it was because of the walk or the weather.  when i'm out at 35C, i always sweat even just by standing (much like a sauna). but yeah, the atmosphere was sooo much fun and festive...
there's a live band performing to make the mood lively
and the tent in front of the stage has pink beanbags
freebies from sponsors

Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash
Clean & Clear Morning Energy (sunblock maybe???)
Emirates Woman Magazine

Johnson & Johnson Wet Wipes 
we queued in one these kiosks
to buy this - twirling fried potato chips

lunch was at The Cheesecake Factory in Dubai Mall.  Friendships AO & MA shared this Chicken Madeira and Steak Dianne Combo
while me and friendship PO shared the Chicken Madeira and Crusted Salmon combo (guess which one is mine?)
dessert was 30th Anniversary Chocolate Cake Cheesecake (whew, that was long!)
we all shared this 1 slice...



  1. I missed pink Marathon this year :(. I thought it will be held Oct like it used to, thus didn't able to join when they moved it for Nov.

    Cheesecake looks yummy, double chin remark was really funny!.. :)

  2. yeah O, Zabeel park is a better venue than the mall. parang fiesta athmosphere
