Saturday, September 7, 2013

Look Back: Kish Island, Iran

The trip to this island took me only 4 days and i stayed at Sadaf Hotel.  Brought with me some conservative clothing....and made sure that i'm always garbed in it whenever i'm out...(a requirement).
My night time arrival made me feel so hungry hence I was prompted to order mushroom omelet from the in-room menu:
This was what came ....fried mushrooms
I wasn't satisfied and I still felt hunger pangs growling at me so I opened a bag of chips - Jack n' Jill Chippy
 hmmmm, yummy!
The hotel provides free breakfast - Persian dishes and all sorts of egg concoctions
As there was nothing else to do...I decided to go out for a walk... the place is touristy and had developed so much from the time I first came here in 2005.
Their beach...swimming is allowed but no showing of skin
We went to a mall and they have a walkalator going to the mall nearby  which is not even a 5-minute walk if not using this thingy.

They have their version of  KFC
and Hardee's
And they also have the real ones
Oh and not to forget...The front of Sadaf Hotel
The Hotel has an adjoining restaurant ....and this is the entrance/door - whatever
They also served good ice cream
Oh and wanna weigh...your "extra weight" the airport departure area

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