Friday, January 3, 2014

Thank You 2013

Thank you 2013.  It may not be the best year, but i still have so much to be thankful for.

For the opportunity to spend time with friends and relatives in the US i have not seen for decades.  Meeting my cousins i have not seen since our births - that was like 30 or so years ago.

Meeting new people who have been kind to me.  Nice new co-workers.  Finding a decent & safe place to stay.  Though i was down with diarrhea and fever towards the end of the year, overall i was still healthy.  For dear friends who have helped me without reservations in my transition period.  

Thank you for keeping me, my family, friends, relatives and significant other safe and healthy.  

May 2014 be a better year for us all!

Thank you God for making all these possible.  

Expat No More

Yes, i'm back in my country...with work that is....thankfully. So that makes me an ordinary expat no more.   Though i still want to be working back ...where i used that country.  With a tax free salary, no deductions, 2x a year visit to home country with US$ 1,900.00 travel allowance each time. Now tell me, who wouldn't want to?  These are memories to cherish.

Because now is a different story.  I came back October 09, 2013 not in any of the sought to cities of Metropolitan Manila anymore (prior to being an OFW in 2005, i was in one of those cities ....Makati) but in the Queen City of the South....Cebu City.  I was already here during those challenging times...the 7.2 magnitude earthquake and the super typhoon Haiyan.  Both i experienced during my first month here.

Am to start work October 21, 2013 but was required to come a week earlier for my pre-employment medical examination.  They want to make sure that i'm fit to work....healthy enough to hold a pen, type in the keyboard, stare at the computer monitor, can endure long sitting and with great listening skills (what with all the meetings & trainings).  Oh And i used the time as well to look for a place to rent.  I can only afford to stay in a hotel for a week so i had to double time in my search. It's my first time in Cebu so i have zero (0) knowledge of the place.  Boy am i glad for Mr. Google who had been my refuge the entire time.

The first thing that i like in here....taxis are safe.  The cab drivers won't even tip themselves moreso get the loose centavos in the fare.  Say if my metered fare is Php 85.50, they will give me a change of Php 15.00 instead of Php 14.50 or they won't even try not to give your change back.  At one time, my fare was Php 61.00 and i had 3 Php 20.00 bills, so i gave it to the driver while still searching for some coins but he told me that the Php 60.00 is enough.

Hope you all had a wonderful new year celebration and may this 2014 bring more peace, love, happiness and blessings to everyone.

Happy New Year!


I love you honeybunchie!!!