Friday, January 3, 2014

Thank You 2013

Thank you 2013.  It may not be the best year, but i still have so much to be thankful for.

For the opportunity to spend time with friends and relatives in the US i have not seen for decades.  Meeting my cousins i have not seen since our births - that was like 30 or so years ago.

Meeting new people who have been kind to me.  Nice new co-workers.  Finding a decent & safe place to stay.  Though i was down with diarrhea and fever towards the end of the year, overall i was still healthy.  For dear friends who have helped me without reservations in my transition period.  

Thank you for keeping me, my family, friends, relatives and significant other safe and healthy.  

May 2014 be a better year for us all!

Thank you God for making all these possible.  

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