Sunday, November 15, 2015

Spanish Sardines Pasta with Artichokes

I love artichokes.  So today i decided to make a pasta dish.  I don't like the usual creamy-creamy and colored sauce.  i want it to be a bit healthy so olive oil will be the base.  I'm far from being a cook so i just keep remembering what my friend ZA told me....if you know how to saute, then you can make a pasta dish. And that's what i did.

I made use of what's available in my cupboard...artichokes, mushrooms, spanish sardines and i used angel hair pasta.  A dash of salt and ground pepper.

I sauteed the onions (i use white onions) first and threw in the garlic after a few minutes

Then i added the mushroom followed by capsicum (yes, i found capsicum in my ref which i don't know where to use so i added it here for a pinch of color).  Then i added the artichokes and simmered for a few minutes...

The sardines were added last...i removed the bones.  I hate 'em touching my throat no matter how tender the bones are.

And here its is...doesn't look palatable but the taste was not bad.  I scrimped on salt so the taste would be balanced since the sardines were already flavored.

It was good eaten with a little help from my Caffeine Free coca-Cola (love it! i don't like anything with caffeine) and some parmesan cheese.

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