Friday, August 31, 2012

catching up

was so tired and lazy to post anything last night. played tennis for 2 hours straight with a colleague. yes, only the 2 of us so it was a test of endurance and stamina.  not that i'm a pro but collecting the balls was more tiring than trying to hit and return.  we only had 12 balls so ball collecting became the game. lots of bending than running....

here's my office outfit for Aug. 29:

and here's my office outfit for today:

didn't get the chance to take photos of what i had for lunch and dinner
enjoyed my moment with Sugar!


  1. I like the little black dress outfit... suits you well!

    1. thanks a lot! ...i was looking for other colors, i don't mind wearing the same style everyday hehehe. sad to say they have none-
