Sunday, September 16, 2012

At A Glance: Mercato Mall

Me and my 2 BFF's from grade school, PO and AO, decided to vist Mercato yesterday.  It's been more than a year since i made my brisk walking exercise in this mall. We caught the last drop of summer sale at the Next Store and we all found some really nice stuff for AED 25.00 each.  What happy shoppers we were!!!!

Mercato is small compared to other malls.  One can explore the entire mall in 1 hour or even less (that's minus the trips to the fitting rooms).  But the architecture is so admirable and will make a nice backdrop for photo ops.

Here take a look....

some of the stores inside and their supermarket - Spinney's

there's a bridge
and a food court

We had a 2:00 pm buffet lunch at Fiestra Bistro located at the ground floor.  Hunger overpowered the thought of taking food photos so no food shots on that.  All i want was to fill my rumbling tummy and regain my normal vision - I couldn't look straight anymore as i was hungry and tired from joining the sale competition at Next.  Good thing friendship PO decided to get another serving of her well loved vegetable salad
and the dessert

to ease the load of our tummies, we decided to have a tea - lemongrass something...

the tea was good....loving the teapot, burner and cup!


  1. this is my fave mall, especially when there's still sun (similar to your pic..nice shot by the way!)... this mall was tastefully made, .. I can just chill at their foodcourt during noon when it not so crowded yet... :)

    1. i agree. i like this mall too but it's difficult to get a cab from there...
