Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Butcher Shop & Grill

Me and Friendship AO met at MOE (Mall of the Emirates) yesterday.  Sadly, Friendship PO was not able to join as she had some deadline office work.  Had it not been for her colleagues coming in 1 hour after she arrived, she could have still made it to our Friday brisk walking exercise. 

Off to our fitness regimen....and bhuoy, our pupils dilated at the very sight of red letters spelled as "SALE" or "PART SALE" in the window displays. I'm so in love with this word that whenever i see them in stores, i don't care what's before or after that word.  All i know is that it's my lovelife and comes in my favorite color - RED. 

As we were doing our routine calisthenics and finger exercises over the 25%-50% off part sale inside Debenhams, i suddenly felt that i'm about to be in a state of starvation.  We went to the food court near Kempinski Hotel and chose between steak and chinese food.   Steak occupied our imagination so off to this restaurant we went.
After some argumentation and debate on which cut has the most amount of fat (we want the fatty ones-our indulgence!), we settled for RibEye with mashed potato on the side. 
While waiting for our order, we were served these, complimentary...
Up close...bread was good and the sausages
Finally....they came.  Friendship AO had hers medium well while mine was well done so i had to eat ASAP before it gets hard as stone.

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