Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Taxi

I take a taxi in the morning so i won't get too tired and stressed when reaching the office. besides, it takes me 1 hour to commute (train ride and a lot of walking while being baked at 45C temp). but just the same, even when taking the taxi, i'm still stressed and tired - well, at least it's reduced to 15 minutes (my only consolation).

After giving the directions to my office, i immediately follow it up with the reminder for them to drive safe.

Scene 1
Me:   Drive Carefully please
Taxi Driver: (turning his head to look at me)  what?  Carrefour?
Me:   i said please drive carefully
Taxi Driver:  Carrefour?
(then suddenly i noticed him swerving to the road leading to Deira City Center Mall where Carrefour is.  Carrefour is a supermarket inside the Mall).
Me:  no, no, no, just go straight
so Carrefour and Carefully does sound alike now.

Scene 2
Me:  Please drive safely
Taxi Driver:  Salahuddin?
Me:  no.  i said drive safely.
Taxi Driver: you want to go to Salahuddin?
Me:  no, no, no, just go straight please
Salahuddin is a street name (but not the place where my office is)
it seems that Salahuddin and safely sounds "same same"

Scene 3
Me:  just slowdown please (speedometer was at 100-120kph)
Taxi Driver: (in a raised voice) this is a 100 kph road
then he rested his elbow on the window, leaned his head on his palm and slowed down to 70kph (instead of 80). he looked so bored and really bored, yawning from time to time.
who cares?, as long as he slowed down - not in a hurry anyway.

Scene 4
running fast even in humps.
Me:  please slow down
Taxi Driver:   (turning his head to look at me) why? baby inside?  (he meant pregnant)
Me: yes (even if i'm not i said yes  just to make him slow down)
it made me realize though - for him to think that, i have to be alarmed - it's a testament to my uncontrolled expansion in  the wrong places.

ooowwell, was it me or them?????
missing Sugar!

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