Friday, September 7, 2012

My grocery shopping is often done either at Waitrose Supermarket in Dubai Mall or Carrefour at Deira City Center Mall.  I chose these two (2) simply because of their proximity to where i am - office and home.  But whenever i buy my groceries, i always go over the budget.  Why? because i love going from aisle to aisle and i don't want to skip even just one aisle. i deviate from my list of needs and get a piece or 2 of whatever attracts my vision.

My purchases don't even include 1.5 liter bottles of drinking water and rice yet as these are heavy items.  I call my neighborhood convenience store ZOOM or LIFCO for all items that will let me do weightlifting exercises and the need to avoid making unnecessary spendings at the supermarket.  But since i don't see what i'm buying, i just rely on translations both ways.  At one time i called a neighborhood store for some pechay (or pokchoy) and they delivered lettuce.  Seems there was a semantics problem.  Yes, i can do some brisk walking exercises to these neighborhood stores but I won't walk a good 20 minutes or more to the store under 44C. I'll be baked alive.

Until i discovered, an online supermarket.  yes, my area is not covered by their free delivery service but at least they are willing to deliver at a fee of AED 20.00 without minimum order.  And i get to see the goods.  The website has pictures of the items so i have an idea of what i'm getting.  Since the total amount is showing everytime an item is added to the cart, i can see if i'm going over or not.  So i get to remove items that i don't need that much and stick to my budget. 

Started with my grocery shopping online last wednesday night but suddenly fell asleep so i finished it last night and scheduled the delivery for today (Friday between 12 NN to 1PM).

here they are:
they use paper bags.  and the items inside....
Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!

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