Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Friday Lunch

I'm always looking forward to Fridays......simply because it's the only day in the week that i don't get to work yipeeeee!!!  In this part of the world, Friday is a weekend.  So yes, i get to wake up late and manage to prepare myself something for lunch.

I remembered ordering frresh chicken legs from and yesterday was my chance to practice my culinary skills.  The chicken pieces transitioned from fresh to frozen as it's been sitting in the freezer for 2 weeks already.

The chicken legs in a bag for better coating
with the help of this
getting ready to fry
in my efforts to live healthy, canola oil was used as dipping pool
here they are....fried and golden brown
with a helping of this
plating them
my carbs, protein and fruit   lol
i fried all 4 pieces of the chicken legs (to save time and energy,... my energy!) which equates to having chicken 4x this week.  started with lunch yesterday, dinner tonight then tomorrow and the night after tomorrow.  whew, i can fly now from all those chicken meals.

1 comment:

  1. the fried chix inside the pan looks so yummy!.. great improvement with cooking skills.. keep it up!...
