Saturday, October 20, 2012

Look Back: Massachusetts, USA; December 2011

When i decided to spend my 2011 Christmas Holidays in the US, i was sooo looking forward to seeing snow - touch it, feel it and stare at it.  Well, nothing of this sort happened.  On Christmas Day i saw snow but only flakes.  It's already melted even before it touched the ground and lasted for only 15 minutes...sigh! Dry ice is maybe the closest alternative to my snow dream.

In Massachusetts, i stayed at my friend NW's place in Salem.  My 1st activity was a visit to happines haven - Wrentham Village Outlet Store which was a good 2 hours drive from her place.  It was sooo cold that i have to go inside stores just to warm myself (even if there was no intention to buy).There were so many nice buys and shopping was even more fun with their no taxes on clothes and shoes policy.
I also went around Salem's famous sights - The House of Seven Gables
The Salem Witch Museum
The Peabody Essex Museum - that's the building to the left
PEM at night
Of course it won't be complete without visiting Cambridge and its Harvard U.  Since friend NW's significant other goes to HU for his law studies, we were able to get inside their huge Law Library - one whole building i guess and several floors. Lotsa, lotsa books! The visit made me wanna go back to school - wish am rich enough to finance my studies and my pea sized brain would grow the size of an apple at least, a fuji apple,  so i can be brilliant enough to see answers when thinking instead of seeing clouds. 
We took the subway from Cambridge to Boston
there's the train waiting...i forgot that their not driverless like in Dubai.  So when the driver yelled at us to hurry up, we had to run down the stairs.
Boston here we come...another happiness haven waiting to be discovered
and yeah, enjoyed here too!

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