Friday, October 5, 2012

Look Back: Vietnam, April 2010

I became a millionaire the moment i landed in Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon), Vietnam.  Yes, my USD 100.00 was equivalent to 1,100,000.00 Vietnamese Dong. I can't imagine how their truly rich is called - zillionaire....maybe.  But prices are sky high as well....with 500ml bottled water for 7,000.00 dong. The place is nice and very much similar to my home country but their airport is nicer compared to our oldest international airport.

Here are some snapshots...
the newest mall to open (at that time) which houses their high end brands - Vincom Center
which is adjacent to the hotel where we stayed
motorcycles galore -  sooooo difficult to cross!!!!!
their food...yummy!
we had a tour of the Mekong River
the houseboats
rice paper making demo in one of the stops
our attention grabbing slippers.....
their post office
and Notre Dame Cathedral
oh, and they have this too....from my home country.
McDonald's competition.


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