Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Week That Was

Me and friendship JG decided to meet after work last Sept. 25. Friend JG was in hiatus, hibernation, missing in action and all other words that will describe one's decision to detach or isolate oneself from the outside world. Well, not really totally like that as she still goes to work that time but oh, maybe it's just with me. Then suddenly, i received a re-connection email so we met at Applebee's for some updates. And ohwbhuoy, she has a resurrected bf (acronym bf can mean best friend, boy friend or boyfriend - take your pick!). However she wants to call it, it's something that makes her smile with matching blank stares. huwaw, heart matters really can make someone either smile or frown. But at least she's happy and i'm happy for her.

Back to the Sept 25 meet up - well, where else did we go to but the much hyped The Cheesecake Factory. I wanna try their 40 varieties of cheesecakes.... ugh! ....and for me to accomplish this goal is to render multiple visits. To make up for her absence, JG finds time to every instance that we talk of adding a few inches to our expanding "waist land" or maybe i'm trying to take advantage of the fact that she's happy and doesn't mind where i drag her to. (hope this bf won't make her frown, else, she can't be reached again).

While it took me 45 minutes to reach Dubai Mall from my office in Deira (20 minutes walk from the office to the bus stop, 5 minutes waiting time and another 20 minutes bus ride to Dubai Mall); it'll take her only 20 minutes walk from her office to the Mall as her office is just right at the nose of the mall.  And yet, i arrived earlier than her, in fact, way early so i had the privilege of being served the complimentary bread.

This brown bread is sooooo yummy!
We want our meals light, so we had the vietnamese summer roll
a look of what's inside
paired with fried wonton
and a mountain of this chinese salad.  Oooohemgee, this is good for 5 people with an appetite as small as ours. just the very sight of it up close made me feel soooo full! i prefer admiring it from afar...
downed the portions we managed to chew and swallow with this strawberry lemonade
and of course, finished it with this "Adam's..." something cheesecake (the name was sooo long that i only managed to recall the 1st word)
Friday of that week i was back at the resto with friendship TB for brunch. We had appetizers galore - the vietnamese roll, shrimp tempura (which was good even if it's in the actual shrimp size and not as big as the tempuras i've seen) and the crab balls. we were so focused on the food that i forgot to take pictures.
and of course, the not to be missed cheesecake (at least, we took some shots before devouring) - Peanut Butter something (the name's quite long again) what's with all those long dish names?  when it goes more than 2 words, i have difficulty remembering and oftentimes i stop reading from the 3rd word
 did you see friendship TB's participation?  she held the fork :-)
this cheescake.... i like...quite yummy!!!



  1. Hey, I'm not seeing Sugar name lately, it was replaced by calorie photos instead.. hahhaha, so how many variety of cheesecake did u taste so far? how many more left?

    1. need to stop my sugar indulgence-no to diabetes hehehe. i had 5 cheesecakes out of 40. so 35 more. 1 slot must be with you.

  2. I'm not really a cheesecake fan, but more of chocolatecake lover! .. but of course, definitely save that 1 slot for me!!!!
