Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Wednesday

Staying at the 14th floor gives me a good view of the Trade Center roundabout and its nearby areas.
This is what i get to see thru my window....the building next to mine that's under construction and the etisalat with its famed ball
I have a wider coverage as my window is floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Yes, this building is encased in glass...feels like a gem, meant to be viewed not to be touched (lol).
But last Wednesday, October 10, 2012, this was what greeted me when i opened my curtains at 7:00 am:
Zero visibility - thick fog blocked my view.  I had to rub my eyes several times to make sure it's not my vision problem and oh bhuoy, am i so glad it's not me.

1 comment:

  1. quite scary not see anything esp if you just woken up! .. I prefer clear sky than foggy like this!..can't wait for cold days,
